How Does Hosting a Dinner Party Help Leaders Be Better Motivators?

Being able to motivate others requires consistency rather than rationale  

If we think we can have a one-off chat with each staff member or each client and jot down what colour wine they like best, what their favourite currency of incentive is, and if they prefer email or text communication and we are done, we will be sorely disappointed. It is not a shopping list that needs ticking off. People are complex and the triggers that help them to perform are also complex. They are also dynamic so what motivates someone today may change tomorrow. If we do not keep up with the cascade of changes we can find ourselves becoming irrelevant very quickly.


By making it your business to understand how you and your people are developing, you’ll be a step ahead in finding the right opportunities to keep people stimulated, challenged, and connected with the business.

I envision it as a dinner party. And the leader is the host. It is your job to not only have a good time but to make sure everyone is attended to. To welcome them and make them feel comfortable. To make sure they know each other and the environment. Then, to engage in conversation with everyone throughout the night and listen to their stories, ask lots of questions, and be present when listening to them. You then have to hold the space for group conversations while controlling the timing structure of the evening. It is you that the group looks to for their meal much like your staff look to you for guidance, information, decisions, and resources.

By consistently engaging with all individuals and the problems your team is trying to solve there is a good chance that everyone’s motivation will be kept high and focused. Music, optional!

Paul Farina

Obsessed with high-performance without the sacrifice of relationships, health, and fulfillment, Paul is an Educator and Author of The Rhythm Effect: A leader's guide in team performance.

Partnering with leaders, teams, and organisations, Paul speaks to groups about the power of rhythm, and how professionals of all types can master it to synchronise their teams and create meaningful progress.


The Path of the Normal One


Leading Momentum