Powerless Effort
or Effortless Power
Accelerate and Exhilarate
Professional Programs
The Rhythm Effect
Performance Eco System
The Performance Ethos
The Pro Life
Communicate like a Pro
Engage Them
The Amateur
Many of us fall into what we do, with very few doing the professional job they studied at university. We flip and flop from one opportunity to another and we do our best.
Being a PROFESSIONAL is an ambiguous term. Does this mean we are tertiary qualified? Or, is that we carry ourselves with an air of stature and grace? Or, is it just having well pressed clothes and being punctual?
Years of work in the health, sporting, luxury and education fields have taught me there is much much more to be a Pro. Where imposter syndrome subsides and being the weakest voice in the room just doesn't happen.
Leaving amateurish ways behind in our professional environments requires a refocus onto the practices of a true Pro.
"What changes when we turn pro is we stop fleeing... we stop running from our fears. We turn around and face them"
- Stephen Pressfield
The Pro
Larry Bird saw the play before anyone else. Everything was in slow motion and he saw the pass before it existed. To think this was born from pure talent is to be naive.
The Pro knows what 'turning up' is all about. The Pro has done the work, and has a process behind all they do. The Pro plays but is not playing around. They are not passengers. They do not play cameos in other's movies.
The Pro has an unmistakable Ethos that becomes a part of how they think, feel and act. They are intentional in all they do and deliberate in how they go about their business.
Levelling Up
Often we want the promotion, or resent our current station.
But, what is it that will make us ready and able to flourish when the larger opportunity (and responsibility) come along? And, how exactly are we going to attract the opportunities we truly want?
Owning this pathway creates impact for decades to come and bleeds into personal areas of our life.
Levelling Up has nothing to do with job title and everything to do with building a Pro Ethos.