Collaboration is the difference
Synchronise as a Team,
Everything Else Is Admin!
Team Programs
Team Charter
Strong Agreements for
One Purpose
Collaborate Like a Human
Leverage our Super Power
Team Exec
Lead As One
The Team Is The Win
I played 15 years of organised sport without winning a championship of any description. In fact, when I hit my peak I played in some really poor teams. So was all the effort, injuries, and heartache worth it?
You bet it was. Being in the team is the win. Enjoy the daily privilege of being a team member, it is special.
My work explores a few key areas of building collaborative teams with cultural excellence.
A Team First Mentality
Breeding a group mentality that puts other’s and the whole before personal gain, preferences and benefits.
Curious Teams
Pro-active teams that question the boss, each other and proposed solutions. These teams instil accountability into their culture and is central to creating autonomic and highly capable team players.
Team Toughness
Sticking to tasks, hitting budgets and being consistent during the good times is easy. But can a team stick together when the pressure rises, demands increase and emergencies hit? Or, do they fall apart?
Investing in team play is one of the biggest ROI activities an organisation can make. Those able to Collaborate best have the competitive advantage.
I have always naturally had a team-first mentality.
It is so personal to me I cannot teach it.
But I have spent time in the most wonderful (and horrible) team environments. I have deeply learnt the fractious challenges teams face, and the suite of solutions struggling teams can benefit from. It is a deep honour to hold up the mirror to professionals and see where their opportunities are to unite as a team and achieve truly special things.
Bringing experience from the sporting arena, business consultancy, and the corporate machine my passion for helping organisations build highly-sychronised teams burns fiercely. I have collated tailored programs for sales, legal, frontline, engineering, and sporting teams as well as many more.
I see the art of teaming as one of the difference makers in the next decade and beyond.
Those that collaborate best have the competitive advantage.