Role Modelling + Habit = Inspiration (and Real Progress)
Making inspiration last as well as practical
Its cold. Its dark. For a sun-loving South Aussie fresh off a tropical break to Bali it has been a rude dose of reality coming back to Melbourne. The good news is that I am inspired. I’ve shared time with close friends and my wife that has filled me with ideas, clarity, positivity, and energy to get stuck in to some personal and professional projects. It has helped me to focus on the ‘to do list’ rather than the dank weather. But how long will it last?
with James Clear in Sydney, May 2019
In our workplaces, being able to inspire our customers, our peers, and our teams is central to being able to push our businesses forward. But a pep talk, a power ballad, or a Jay Shetty clip will only give a short-term boost. The ability to inspire people around us on a consistent basis is what drives individuals to pursue their goals without restraint.
In the Role Modelling Program, I talk about the behaviours that inspire Commitment, Courage, and Confidence in those around us. Knowing these behaviours can catapult performance. But it is when these behaviours are implemented habitually that real progress is experienced.
Last week I was fortunate to see James Clear speak live. He is the author of the best-selling book Atomic Habits. In this body of work James discusses the power of habits and how to make good ones (as well as break bad ones). Four key principals of Atomic Habits are listed below, and I have added ways we can use them in terms of our Role Modelling Behaviour:
Make it obvious – prioritise Role Modelling Behaviours that are visible
Make it attractive – associate desirable outcomes with Role Modelling Behaviours
Make it easy – use Role Modelling Behaviours that are natural to you (keep it simple!)
Make it satisfying – target the people or parts of the business you will get the most reward out of when implementing Role Modelling Behaviours
These are practical habit forming ways to inspire positive behaviour change in those around you and create real progress and strong results. Not only for today, but for a long long time to come.