Socks n Jocks Make The Biggest Difference

Investing in basics is our number one strategy in uncertain times

The Barefoot Investor is a financial staple across Australian households. It is an easy-to-read financial guide for everyday people giving guidance for financial decisions we all face. I own it, and many of my friends do too. For some reason, I found myself reflecting on it as I was getting dressed over the weekend. Maybe because of the financial uncertainty and instability seen across the world at the moment. But, on reflection I think it was because I was choosing my underwear and socks for the day... Allow me to explain.


In the book, Scott Pape (aka. The Barefoot Investor) says the best investment you can make is in really good underwear and socks. These items are relied on every single day so it makes sense to have high quality and ensure we are comfortable no matter what we are doing. For some reason it resonated with me and I duly invested! I think it was so memorable because I was probably like many blokes when it came to these things - bare minimum will do because they are such meaningless items of clothes. It never struck me as a wise item to invest in. When you think about it, buying a boat, a nice shirt, or designer jeans are nice but make little impact - especially if I only worn occasionally.

Source: The Barefoot Investor

I think this is the same with our workplaces. What are the basic of all basics we do in our work? And, what if every single person in our team/department/organisation did them to an elite level?

How much would this impact results? Relationships? Harmony?

This speaks to one pillar of rhythm from The Rhythm Effect I am currently obsessed with. It feels like the biggest opportunity many of us have during these toughest of times. 


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Paul Farina

Obsessed with high-performance without the sacrifice of relationships, health, and fulfillment, Paul is an Educator and Author of The Rhythm Effect: A leader's guide in team performance.

Partnering with leaders, teams, and organisations, Paul speaks to groups about the power of rhythm, and how professionals of all types can master it to synchronise their teams and create meaningful progress.


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