Paul Farina Paul Farina

What's Our Style?

It is weird how the biggest contest in world cricket is the Ashes - a series played between Australia and England. This means if you are born in Jamaica or South Africa or India you will never play in this event. The Ashes simply represents history, and a deep rivalry more meaningful than a sporting contest the whole world of cricket pays attention to.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

How are we relevant?

Julia Gutman is a young Australian artist. So young that last year she was the youngest ever Archibald Prize winner. Gutman creates collages from people's clothes. She says a person's clothes represents them and even the smell and feel can be the closest thing to representing a person. The clothes become her paint as she rips, sows, double-stitches and embroiders the textiles to make a work of art.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Is Goal Ambiguity The Real Problem?

In my workshops I always strive to make people feel comfortable, relaxed, and familiar with the people around them. I run a few exercises to get people up and about talking with each other to warm them up before tackling the heavier content of any session.

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