Paul Farina Paul Farina

Leading Through Overload

In 1998, the phrase "its been emotional" left the lips of Vinnie Jones in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. A description of wild ride of highs and lows with wacky characters, even weirder incidents, and a lot of carnage. It seems to be a common reflection many have about the year past…

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Getting with the Program

I am forgetful. At times I know people take advantage of this, but that's okay - its my responsibility to be on top of my stuff.

But, it has taken twenty-odd years to realise I am not the only one. The stereotype of being the tall goofy-clumsy-docile-dopey-kinda-funny guy was the part I portrayed as a self-protective and apologetic way to navigate my constant imperfection.

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