The Power of Chorus

Lessons For Leaders - An Alchemy Explosion 

On the weekend, my wife signed us up to Couch Choir, the newest version of the original Pub Choir founded by Astrid Jorgensen in Brisbane. An amazing NFP movement raising money for charity and bringing people together for uplifting and enjoyable experiences. It is a great example of what happens when people are synchronised - they feel better. But why?


Studies tell us that people in choirs experience amazing psychological and physiological positives. Their mental well being improves, resulting in higher levels of resilience. A stronger feeling of togetherness is experienced, which feeds that sense of belonging all humans crave. In fact, participants in one study reported reduced stress and depression levels, mainly due to an increase in oxytocin, which helps control stress and anxiety responses.

Click on the image to watch the choir sing.

Some notable lessons from Pub Choir/Couch Choir:

  1. Instruction - participants are encouraged to learn the song beforehand. Easy to follow instructional videos are put together with brief and highly educational instructions. It is obvious Jorgensen knows music and is a great teacher. She makes the art and science of music understandable for us laypersons. LESSON - set your people up with the technical skills they need to be excellent and feel excellent.

  2. Higher Purpose - the wider mission is referenced and littered throughout the instructional videos, the website, and social media. Without making a big 'song and dance' about it, all participants are clear on why they should do this, why they should get involved, and why it is good for them. Almost seamlessly this all relates to the details - where, when, how, and what is expected. LESSON - missions should be simple. Purpose doesn't need to be heavy or extravagant. You don't need to change the world. It can be as simple as 'bring people together'. Talk about it often.  

  3. Authenticity - the leaders and the participants are real, are grounded, and there is zero egos involved. Even though Jorgensen is at the centre of all of this, it is obvious that her central position is more a function of making the whole thing successful and enjoyable, as opposed to being the focal point because she is the star or the rock star. Her relaxed and service orientated communication inspires a calm and relaxation that helps people to feel the belief in themselves and turns a rabble into a harmonious choir that is uplifting for all involved. LESSON - be you. Do you. Serve others in your actions. Embrace humility. It's powerful beyond imagination. And. feels great. 

The act of synchronising with other people in a team is powerful. It sets the team up with all the capabilities of rhythm so loops of improvement, feedback, and execution can continue. It is beautiful. And if we can lead our people to operate like this, we can touch many lives positively and constructively. This is the power of the Rhythm Effect, and it can amplify well beyond your team into your wider community. As leaders, it is a tool that lifts our profile and influence, as we are the ones who set the tone and are in the perfect position to start the process - one action at a time.

I'll be sure to share the final video Jana and I are a part of. I feel better already!


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Paul Farina

Obsessed with high-performance without the sacrifice of relationships, health, and fulfillment, Paul is an Educator and Author of The Rhythm Effect: A leader's guide in team performance.

Partnering with leaders, teams, and organisations, Paul speaks to groups about the power of rhythm, and how professionals of all types can master it to synchronise their teams and create meaningful progress.


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