Doing The Work

Seth Godin is a world renowned marketing expert. He is a prolific published author, educator, podcast expert, and... well you get the idea - he's a pretty big deal. I follow some of his work and recently came across one of his quotes, "you are not your resume, you are your work" from his book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?


Godin digs into the idea of being a Linchpin - those whom lead others, create change, and bring order to chaotic situations. Being an advocate of creative work, Godin believes deeply in the value in being able to solve real-world problems rather than relying on the bullet points in our resume.

I agree with this sentiment. In the field of professional development we often see people gain bachelor degrees, masters, and PHD's yet still come to programs searching for what will help them to feel less insecure, overwhelmed, and 'unqualified'. As a non-academic myself I constantly find it hard to believe such talented, experienced, and clever people suffer from these obstacles so readily. In the aforementioned book, Godin also says, “The stuff we’re paying you for is the difficult emotional labor of looking people in the eye and telling them the truth, in a way that makes them change,” Godin continues, “What’s important is, did it make a change happen?”

Once again, I love this as it resonates with what I see in my work. When we look at our work as leaders (and professionals) I see this Emotional Labour as the real qualification to having a seat at the table. Do we do this? If yes, then we are qualified - we are doing the work that matters and therefore we are validated like a ticket at a car park or cinema. We may enter. If we are not doing the Emotional Labour, then it is the first signal we are not doing the work. It is simultaneously a low bar (you don't need any pieces of paper) and a very high bar (facing the risks and possible fallout of telling people the truth no matter what).

In our day-to-day plight there is always context and nuance. Lets face it, if we went around all day telling plain truths all the time every time it would be a funny world (see: The Invention of Lying). But, the fact remains - leadership requires the investigation, enquiring, and telling of truths so safe, connected, aligned, and productive decisions can be made. Easier said than done. And, this is why 'doing the work' of improving our ability to create and contribute to well thought out strategies is how we punch our own ticket into the rooms we find ourselves in, or the rooms we aspire to gain entry to.

In the words of a mentor and friend of mine, David Wayne, "you are qualified to do the work by doing the work". It is such an impactful and wonderful perspective for building confidence in ourselves no matter how daunting or difficult the meeting with the Global Director or presentation to the board may be. We are qualified because we've been in the trenches observing, talking, listening, collating, and curating the stuff that matters. We are the indispensable difference maker our higher ups, colleagues, and team members could never do without.

Where I slightly disagree with Godin is in the idea of my work making me who I am. If I am my work, then what am I if I am unable to do my work (ie. have an accident, get made redundant, or dislike my job so much that I quit?) I like to think we are more than our qualifications and more than our work. That we are a unique life force with something to offer no one else can. Through learning (in the classroom and in the real-world), doing (investigating and telling truth), and contributing (leading and creating) we animate our life force and constantly self-validate our ticket to every room we find ourselves in. Honing our ability to do this could be the cleverest thing clever professionals can do to increase influence and feel empowered in their role.  

PS. Over the last year I having been working on a Leadership Journal based on the Principles of The Rhythm Effect. With the help of designer Jansen Lye we have created a beautiful piece of work we are proud to bring to you. My practice clients and alumni will receive a complimentary copy before anyone else in the coming weeks. Boot Roomers will gain first access to purchase a copy, and then the rest of the world. We'll start communicating pre-sale and release dates soon. Watch this space!


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Paul Farina

Obsessed with high-performance without the sacrifice of relationships, health, and fulfillment, Paul is an Educator and Author of The Rhythm Effect: A leader's guide in team performance.

Partnering with leaders, teams, and organisations, Paul speaks to groups about the power of rhythm, and how professionals of all types can master it to synchronise their teams and create meaningful progress.


The Language of Power


The Cost of Keeping it Secret