Paul Farina Paul Farina

Forced to keep it short

How communication restraint becomes a strength

This week Ange Postecoglou led Yokohama to their first championship win in 15 years in the national competition. He has only been in the job for two years where he instilled his attacking philosophy which he deeply believes in. So much so, that he has walked away from Management jobs when asked to comprise his beliefs and values.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Keeping Dread at Bay

Motivation always has and always will be on the agenda

It’s a typical Sunday evening on a typically hot Aussie day. I am lazing about after an alcohol fuelled weekend full of my usual pleasures - socialising, sport, and time with my wife, Jana. As the sun goes down, I do what I do every Sunday evening. I turn my mind to Monday. The trepidation of Monday…

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Beware the Dynasty

The fragility of long-term success

Manchester United Football Club (MUFC) is in a real funk in the English Premier League. The third richest club in the world (Forbes, 30 May 2019), which dominated the modern Premier League era like no other before it has been pulled back into the pack. It is no longer even a challenger, let alone a trailblazer. Beware the dynasty...

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Managing the dark side of top talent

Why high performers can’t have their own rules

Super Stars are easy to fall in love with, no matter how difficult or prickly they may be. The Brazilian Soccer Player, Ronaldinho, was the best in the world. Yet he had his own rules at his club, Barcelona, where he would party whenever he liked no matter what. I had a top sales representative in my team a few years ago that never played by the rules, but I let these things go as the sales numbers were all anyone in the hierarchy cared about.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Kindness ramps up productivity

Better than incentives when done well

This week a study from Penn State University was released about Kindness and it’s relationship to worker productivity. During the study, candidates reported significantly higher levels of self-efficacy (related to confidence and belief) as well as having increased capability to solve their own problems through perseverance. There seemed to be a higher level of resilience and lowered levels of feelings associated with depression.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

A quiet note says so much more

Leadership communication that shouts safety

What is the worst thing that could happen when you speak in front of a room full of people? All sorts of harrowing scenarios come to mind. One of my worst nightmares happened to me today.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Boss to beers - How to maintain relationships when you are in charge

Recently, I ran a two-day session helping a group of leaders build Conflict Resolution skills. One discussion we had at depth was the problem of being the ‘boss’, and then trying to maintain a social relationship with the team.

One minute you are disciplining a team member, and then you are all going to lunch together or having Friday night drinks. Is everyone meant to pretend that nothing happened and put on a fake smile and laugh? Sounds icky… and it can be.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

What’s your egg’n’spoon?

Shaking up routine for engagement

No matter where you look these days, there is another good-news-story about women’s sport. One of my favourite humans in the world, Ash Barty, has completed a monumental year on the professional tennis circuit. The FFA have just announced that the Matilda’s (the Australian women’s national soccer team) will be on an equal pay model with their male counterparts (a first in the world I believe). But there was one story that really caught my eye.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Surrounding Incompetence

Facing the obvious in front of us

A few years ago, I was coaching a gym manager that was desperate to learn how he could bring his team together to improve the business. He highlighted the need for better client orientations for new members with quality follow ups. We set a plan for the manager to communicate this, track it, and monitor progress.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

The essence of productivity

Taking back control of the busy

Who loves a ‘hack’? The internet is full of mildly interesting and sometimes ridiculous hacks. Take this You Tube clip that leads with increasing breast size and goes onto using ketchup to clean metal objects amongst many other hacks. When it comes to productivity, there are 100’s of hacks to test and try.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

The Reasons of Mediocrity

Why we slog it out for little return

Most of us have worked in good and bad team environments, but few of us get the pleasure to work in a team of excellence. By definition, there is only room for the best at the top of any industry. But this is not the reason why many of us do not work in a high performance team.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Roles, they are a changin’…

The evolution of what we do continues

In the past five to six years I have delivered 100’s of days training. Now, I have found myself questioning – what is training? Traditionally, it is when a group of people sit in a room to learn a skillset that will help them do better in their work. Simple enough, and today this would still be close to many people’s opinion. But there is this new invention called Google. And following Google, there is a host of specialist Apps people use on their minicomputers they carry around in their pockets.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Who is it all about? Us or the person we serve?

The small details and the signals they send

Fine dining. An industry full of big personalities, big talent, and elegantly interwoven stories. I can’t say that I have much experience dining in such places, but occasionally I am fortunate enough to enjoy beautifully prepared food in lovely places.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Who are you dealing with?

The first step in leading

You’ve just been promoted. You’ve obviously done well and got some runs on the board. You’ve got talent, charisma, and presence. Or maybe you are like me – pure hard graft.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Attraction is in the beholder?

Owning our own magnetism

I stand at six-foot-three-inches and find it hard to stretch out. There is never enough room! Given my back problems, I like to get down on the carpet when relaxing in front of the TV in the evening to do a range of stretches. But since we moved house recently, the configuration of our furniture hasn’t allowed this.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Working hard to disappoint

How a lot of sweat creates more sweat

On Sunday, my wife and I treated ourselves to a “date-lunch”. We chose a nice restaurant we had been eyeing off for a while, booked it up, and were looking forward to a wonderful afternoon together. It ended up being… okay. In fact, it was a little worse than okay as we were looking forward to it so much.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Following our nature of Leadership

The default setting hurting progress

Recently I watched the documentary, Collingwood: From the inside out. It told the story of the AFL team’s recent journey under the coaching regime of Nathan Buckley. It depicts a club that has operated with a Siege Mentality for generations. A club that revels in the fact that “everyone hates us”. The club promotes Buckley, one of it’s favourite sons to the top job. What ensues is a tale of deepening decline as results get worse and worse over a few years while the morale of the squad nose dives.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Channeling the delinquent

Naughty kids don’t belong in the naughty corner

When I say Nick Kyrios, you probably want to stop reading. I know I have been judgemental of his behaviour at times myself. I have written previously on why he gets too much ‘column space’ in the newspapers for his poor behaviour. Sometimes, he has simply acted like a jerk!

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

What about our players?

The most important often get forgotten

This week the English Premier League (EPL) will begin its new season. This is a twenty-team competition where each team will play 38 matches. One of the title contenders, Liverpool, will not only battle it out to win the EPL – they will be competing for seven different trophies. This includes all sorts of world and inter-national cups as well as local ones. The schedule for most teams will be hectic.

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Paul Farina Paul Farina

Behaviour Doesn’t Lie

Recognising the common denominator we can all tap into

Overnight, The Ashes (the biggest series in world cricket) will begin between England and Australia. As this series is being played in England, there will be a barrage of hostility thrown at the Australian team. This is standard, but this time it will have extra sharpness as Steve Smith, David Warner, and Cameron Bancroft take the field after coming back from suspension due to their involvement in Sandpapergate Scandal that took place in South Africa in 2018.

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