The new paradigm of Leadership

Paul Farina shares 20 years of experience and research in this ground breaking body of work.

Leadership is a game of resources. A game of effort. A game of synchronisation. Not a game of power, status, or performance at all costs.

Paul stands up to the defaults of ‘work harder and work longer’. There is an alternative. One where we work less, get better results, and last longer.

Applications to commercial business, government, sales, and even parenting have been reported.

Welcome to the world of rhythm.

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Why is it such hard work?

Leading others is a thankless job with never ending challenges.

But it doesn’t have to be pure toil!

Paul uses more than 20 years of leadership experience to show his audiences why working harder and working longer are not the only answers.

Instead, Paul has collated the principals of rhythm. His framework is easy to use, easy to understand, and helps leaders create teams with…

more courage, confidence, and commitment.

Helping professionals become the calm, clear, and caring leader they always wanted to be.

Get the sample chapter sent to your inbox. I look forward to hearing your feedback.

Want to take The Rhythm Effect for a test drive first?

What’s inside…

Factors of Friction - What Stops Us From Achieving Rhythm

Friction. Focusing on low yielding activities. Playing the wrong game. Understand keystone self-management and motivational triggers to wipe away years of unnecessary work. You and your business cannot afford it.

Return On Effort (ROE) - The Real Game We Are Playing

Are you playing a mug’s game? Stop trying to hit targets. Stop trying to get the task-lists done. Stop trying to deliver the project on time. Start managing effort. Start observing the 100’s of wasted opportunities. Start delivering with time and energy to spare.

The Leader’s Journey - Your Pathway to Progress

A long and cumulative journey for us all. Take a non-judgmental dive into the stages of leadership. Remove the stigma, pressure, and heavy expectation of the old paradigm of leadership.

Ingredients of Rhythm - How do I get it into my life?

Most of us are out-of-sync with our teams, our customers, our peers, and our bosses. In this state the best we can hope for is to survive our work. Learn the highly-pragmatic and applicable ingredients of building rhythm through synchronisation. You’ll never look back.

From Learning to Mastery - Building & inspiring infinite performance

The process of development towards mastery. A no nonsense strategy to amplify your influence, create capacity, and leave the old turgid ways of working behind.

What’s covered…

When professionals think about leading, they ask questions beginning with ‘how?’

How do I get my team to care more?
How can I be more influential?
How can I approach challenges with more confidence?
How can I inspire consistent performance in my team?

These questions need answering. But, firstly the better question to understand is why they don’t care. Why my influence is limited. Why we lack confidence. And why they need inspiration to do their job.

Intimately understanding these drivers helps leaders navigate competing priorities, rapidly changing environments, and all the inter-personal friction points we experience every day.

By letting go of the old paradigm and learning the free, light, and adaptable concepts of rhythm, we can implement an easy-to-use framework to answer our ‘how questions’.

Never suffer from detached, diminished, or destructive work patterns ever again.

Specifically helping you with:

Alternatives to pure hard work for little-to-no progress

Stop throwing sweat and time at problems. Its not fun, not healthy, and demoralising for everyone involved.

Alternatives to win-at-all-costs

Throw the competition and scoreboard to the background. Switch focus to the intimate details of the 100’s of interactions around us everyday. The opportunities for synchronisation are endless. The scoreboard will take care of itself.

Alternatives to rigid thinking and decision making

Professional decision making is more rigid than it can afford to be. The friction is frustrating, diminishes trust, and creates poor costly decision making. Remove the tension and increase adaptability.

Even when you know the theory you will keep dipping into bad habits. But, you’ll be aware and able to start building synchronisation. In yourself and your band of mates.

Welcome to the start line. The adventure ahead is one of discovery and possibility. I can’t wait to see where you go and how far you take it.

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